LGBTQ. why do they think a person religion is something they can just trample on? an ya,all know what i am talking about?


Because you make the same false assumption many religious make. You believe that religion should not be open to any form of ridicule or disagreement. That is entirely wrong. In no other area of life do people expect their views or beliefs to have this kind of protection. No one would expect their dress sense, favourite sport team, the political party they vote for, etc. to be exempted from ridicule, humour, disagreement, etc. Religion has no right to this exemption.

Not only are you claiming such an exemption but you want to trample the rights of other people. You want people who have no religion or a different one from yours to respect it in the same way you do. You do not have this right and must accept that other people do not have to treat your religious beliefs in the same way you do. Just as they do not have to respect your style, diet, sport, politics, music, literature, etc.


Why do CINOs think a person's sexuality is something they can mock and trample on? And don't say only gay people broadcast their sexuality, when CINOs never hesitate to start quoting their bibles and their beliefs when declaring their objections to something that doesn't even involve them.


From the way this is written it appears that not only do we not know what you're talking about, neither do you. Could you give examples of LGBT trampling on religion as opposed to religion trampling on LGBT rights?


Why do Blacks complain about other races not wanting to live around them and do not want them in their neighborhood. Why can't yall live in your own "neighborhoods"?


I have no idea what you are talking about. You can have whatever religion you like within reason. You do not, however, have the right to impose your religious views on other people who follow other religions or no religions.

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