Can N. Ireland take the abortion question to the European court now that London has refused change. Can the people go ahead with referendum?


Yes, they can.

The Lord Humungus.2018-06-07T09:59:32Z

"the people" of Northern Ireland still support the ban on abortion.

Rather ironic that people who want abortions will be driving to Ireland to get them soon.

Ghost Of Christmas Past2018-06-07T09:51:37Z

There's no case in European Law. This is a matter for the Northern Ireland assembly. If Sinn Fein think they have the support of the people of Northern Ireland, they should stop playing personal politics and join a new Executive. The Westminster government need the support of the DUP to stay in power, so they are not going to impose abortion on Northern Ireland.


N.I is part of UK, UK > brexit

So no u can't