Would this make you depressed?

Let's say you are 21 years old. You make 23 dollars an hour and you have no friends. You eat alone, go to the store alone, spend your birthdays alone, you always go to the movies alone, and you eat at restaurants alone. You never had a boyfriend or girlfriend. You had one friend but one day he stopped talking to you. You guys have plans on going out but instead he just canceled all plans with you.

Would this make you depressed?


Favorite Answer

What is the point of being depressed? This is stupid. I may understand someone getting depressed because of a bad weather all the time at the place they live - this is hard to change. But being depressed because u dont have friends? Totally stupid. Go and get friends. Go to gym and talk to people. Talk to people at work. When i was your age and got a new job first thing i asked people " what cha doing this weekend?" And lots of people didnt have anything to do, so we went places




i would just have fun by myself. You are making good money and can afford to treat yourself


It would absolutely depress me to live my life that way. If I had no friends, I would force myself to go to places where I could meet other people, and I would not give up!


Hell no I'd get out and change my life around. You act like this is someone else's fault but YOU are the hermit.

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