Heater / AC thermostat with temperature limit / range?

Are there any HVAC thermostats other than Nest models that let you customize an allowed temp range? I don’t want vacation renters to crank the AC way down since it’ll hurt the system, but I don’t want to lock it at one temp, either. I want to set a range like 73-95. I’d also like to prevent it from being changed, so a PIN or password feature would be great, too.


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The setpoint limit isn't as common feature as it should be but certain 'stats do have it. I installed a lot of Honeywell FocusPRO 5000- and 6000-series specifically to get the limit feature. It's easy to set and change in the installer options menu, but knowing how to get to the installer menu isn't something everyone would know.

Unfortunately it's not hard to look up with smart phones. FocusPRO 8000 series have four-digit passcodes on them, and some of them can be locked out so that they can only be modified via an approved internet user. They're a bit more expensive but that sounds like the solution you're looking for.


Honeywell do, you can limits on the setpoints.


Most thermostats have a setpoint on them I'd stay with Honeywell. I'd go with the 8000 series it has the controls your looking for an you can get it with wifi an you can change it from anywhere for when its vacant. I'd set the cooling lock out around 70 an the heat around 78. 95 would be to high talk about a nice electric bill if someone did set it on 95.