How to get small amounts of sterile saline for anitbiotic dilution?

I have to give a rabbit a shot every other day, and the injection includes a small amount of sterlie saline or ringers lactate to dilute the antibiotic. I can’t figure out the best way to source the saline/RL, as I see it mainly in bags. A) I need .5ml per dose, and B) I don’t know how to get it from the bag while keeping the remainder sterile. Any tips? Sources? Smaller distribution methods than bags?

Diane A2018-07-13T02:03:23Z

Favorite Answer

You get it in sterile injectable vials (its what they use for human injections) some are single use at 10mls some are multidose. You would need to get some from the vet or a prescription for them.


The vet who prescribed the antibiotic should have supplied everything you would need.