My brother hates me but I never done anything to him?
We’re not a perfect family but not many ppl are. He’s 18 and I’m 39, almost 21. I’m the type to keep the family together because honestly I love my parents and my 3 brothers and my sister but my younger brother that’s 18 said he hates us all except my dad and our youngest brother 15 yr old brother. He said out older sister is a btch that he never liked. He said our mom is selfish which I can vouch she does have selfish traits. He said My older brother and I never been there for him. Now my older brother is basically not doing anything and have depression And stuff but I know I’ve been there for him.
I used to take this kid and my youngest brother to school when I was like like 18 cause they are my younger brothers. I told him all the things I’ve done for him like paid his phone bill. Gave him rides, bought him stuff for birthdays. I even cried I got so angry we almost fought. I just feel like I love this family too much for someone to hate me for no reason. I guess my question is should I reevaluate the way I think of my family. I try to be the best brother and son I can be and still live my own social life.