I'm afraid to go to sleep?
The past few nights I have been having varying dreams about being taken by Nazis. I am a Jew so it's very close to home. The dreams are very graphic and terrifying. Are there ways I can make myself NOT have these dreams?
The past few nights I have been having varying dreams about being taken by Nazis. I am a Jew so it's very close to home. The dreams are very graphic and terrifying. Are there ways I can make myself NOT have these dreams?
Favorite Answer
You need to come to terms with your subconscious (and conscious) fears. You might even feel a certain subconscious guilt that you are safe from the Nazis, due to an accident of circumstances, as opposed to those who were victims of the Nazis (by no fault of their own, just circumstances).
If something is interfering with your ability to function, i.e., sleep, then it might be time to see a shrink. Talk to your Jewish relatives, a Rabbi, other Jews. They can give you support and help you come to grips with this. A psychiatrist or other doctor might prescribe a sleep medication, but this by itself is only a stop-gap solution.
Do some more research about WWII
The Bible has promises like the following you can pray: "God gives His beloved sleep" and "I can lie down and sleep in peace." Because I am a Christian, I also pray in Jesus' name because that is where the power to overcome demonic whispers comes from.
sha wei sted
Active imagination. Set aside a time to close your eyes re enter the memory of the dream and change the outcome.
Also, fixating on a dream can cause one to have it over again, since your dreams are in part, composed of the thoughts you have through out the day. You cannot control automatic thoughts but you can redirect your mind when find it on an unhelpful thinking pattern.
On that note, I have found that reading before bed can be very effective at influencing dreams as well as filling my mind with other thoughts.
Its possible that your dream is symbolic of a lack of security in a certain aspect of your identity. It may be your religion, but your subconscious may have chosen such a deliberate representation of persecution for a subtler aspect of yourself.
when you wake write the dream down..and think of dreams as just movies in your head...