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Nope there is no way to Filter the Chinese Stuff out Unfortunately I wish there was a way tho
No, sorry. This is the English language version of Yahoo Answers. Post in any other language are a violation here, unless they are asking a question about another language and posted in the Languages subcategory.
The posts you refer to come from spam bots, but one or more humans are programming them. They are being paid by the company they are posting for, to enhance search engine optimization for that company (or so it appeared when the posts began many weeks ago). We don't know when or if Yahoo will take action, although whomever is running YA’s Facebook page commented on 7-16-18 that it was being worked on (that comment was in reply to another user’s answer to a question about favorite flavor of ice cream, if you want to verify it). All we can do is report them, ignore them, or leave YA. The posts are ALL OVER the site. Hopefully they will be dealt with soon. MANY questions have been asked about this already (it amazes me so few people think to check in the Answers category to see if a problem with the site has already been addressed). The site's been heavily flooded with them since the weekend of 7/7/18.
Not possible. Yahoo is an international site which means you will see questions from everyone.