How to help girlfriend who is still emotionally damaged over ex?

They broke up a little over a year ago but they dated for awhile and she really loved him. He left and basically told her he found her annoying and a waste of time and that he knew he wanted to break up for a significant amount of time before they actually did. I am the only other person she has loved and is just scared that I am going to do the same thing. I have absolutely no intention of this and I have talked with her about it many times but her confidence is shot from her bad previous experience. What can I do to help?


Help her find a good licensed therapist.


Offer to pay for her therapy sessions.
YOU cannot do HER psychological work.
And if she is still emotionally damaged over an ex, she is NOT ready to make a relationship with you last either.

How To Catch Lying Vermin2018-07-31T08:02:10Z

Its not always emotional damage thank you very much- some women are just too exhausted to bother, because when you are with a person you d rather be single . Ask her what the inhibitions are- some women don t come out relationships emotionally damaged, they mentally checked out long before it ended, sometimes she just isn t bothered, its a shame you were not her first relationship instead of being whatever number you are now.