How to help my brothers get jobs?

My little brother is 18. He wants a job but he doesn’t want to work for McDonald’s or Burger King which I understand because I felt the same way and I worked in retail instead. My older brother is 22. He never had a job either and also doesn’t want to work for fast food place. I told him to apply at a supermarket but he says no, he wants a good paying job. He wants to be an electrician.

My little brother wants to work for a clothing store though but has not applied. I’m 21 and I work at target and work for another grocery store part time. I’m thinking about applying to fedex to become a delivery driver. I told my older brother to apply, even if he doesn’t have a license he can do another position but he says that is not a job he wants to do. Is there any way I can kinda force him?


i dont think u should force him i got forced to be a nurse because my parents forced it on me and i hated it now im doing what i want and im a cosmetologist even tho im young but i think u should help him figure it out like maybe take him to some places and let him see whats it like


Oh man, count yourself lucky that you somehow grew up good, because two out three entitled layabouts in the same family is not good odds! The short answer is that you can't. They're not children and you're not their parent. Whatever went wrong growing up isn't something you can solve. It sounds like they'll have to learn through the school of hard knocks or not at all. Just be careful that your brothers don't turn YOU into their source of income.

I thoroughly believe that everyone deserves a job and that everyone deserves a chance to learn, but nobody, nobody at all is entitled to just walk into a higher level job without showing that they have capacity to do it well. Also, it sounds like your brothers need a good dose of humility or they will make the worst colleagues. Even if they got their dream jobs they'd be chased out for being **** to work with.


Why do you want to force him to do something he doesn't want to do? Stop being selfish. Let him do what he wants to do.

seedy history2018-08-07T17:06:59Z

Probably not. Who ever is their source of income stream can though. Young men who won't work usually have another source of money. Once that source of money is denied, people usually find a way to support themselves. Unfortunately, the "alternate" lifestyle of choosing to live on the streets seems to be increasingly popular but it's not the road to finding a "good paying job".