Can someone help me on How to GROW eyebrows PROPERLY AT HOME please??

So I feel like olive oil, coconut oil & Vaseline don’t work. And castor oil seemed to make them even thinner. I’m a guy so want big bushy eyebrows.

Does anyone have any GUARANTEED ways to grow eyebrows and how to do so? And when to see improvements? Thanks!


Nothing will work. Use some common sense and stop listening to uneducated youtube bimbos. Nothing you rub on your eyebrows, lashes, or head hair will change their structure, grow root where they don't exist to make them thicker, or make them grow faster. same for supplements, none will change it. If you don't like your eyebrows, get microblading or implants or fill them in daily with makeup. nothing else will improve their appearance.


Anal beAds


Nothing like that works. Nothing you smear on top of hair will do anything to the root where the hair actually grows.


Guys with big bushy eyebrows look mean and unkempt.