Why is the world offended by everything now? Why has it been so pussified?

Seriously. This is a genuine question. What happened to being able to voice your opinion freely and say whatever you want? How did it go from that to this? Why are people so weak that mere words hurt them?


Favorite Answer

I'm not an old person but I have lived long enough on this earth to know that our society swings on a pendulum, going from one extreme to the other in a constant attempt to find balance. We have emerged from decades of having literally no political correctness of any kind, to the other extreme of having total political correctness to such an extent that offending someone is LITERALLY the worst crime a person can commit (far worse than murder). When enough of society has had enough of this, it will swing back the other way again. That's just how life works. Balance is an illusion. Extremes are the way that this world operates.


if you offend others for whatever reason, it doesn't matter why they're offended. the fact you offended them is your problem, not theirs.

you need to take (oh gosh what's the buzz phrase? oh yeah) "personal responsibility" for your own jerk behavior


Regressive tolerance,it all in the communist publications.you just need to look for it.