Should only Black Women be line judges when Serena Williams plays?

In 2009 Williams lost a match and blamed it on racism. Despite her outburst in violation of the rules she blames sexism for her loss. Her supporter claim it wouldn't happen to a man despite John McEnroe also being fined and banned. So should only Black women be officials at William's tournaments? And who will she blame for her losing then?

Leafsfan29-Embrace the drought!2018-09-09T22:56:12Z

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McEnroe got DQ'd at the 1990 Australian Open for verbally abusing an official (he earned it) and has been fined and suspended numerous times. Connors was reprehensible at times and a weapons-grade Ugly American. They benefit from being what they were pre-Internet and pre-social media. Williams is as bad as those two (which isn't something to brag about). The problem is that the Williams sisters are huge draw cards for the WTA (especially for US audiences) so they're in a bit of a pickle. The average American couldn't name two US male singles players (and couldn't name a US woman not named Serena or Venus) so they put up with the verbal (and physical) abuse.




She is a Black racist. And a disgrace to American diversity for her openly racist hatred of the Japanese people.


If anything she is a racist. She couldn't accept the fact that a young LADY could and would whip her butt.


Possibly so or not

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