what are the specific torque settings of cylinder head bolts for corolla engine (1.5 liters)?


You might need to quote the date of the engine. I imagine that Toyota has produced several different 1.5 litre engines in its time. Toyota has made cars for at least 50 years.

The Devil2018-09-10T21:40:56Z

That's a longer story than a simple forum response. Go to the public library and look it up in a repair manual. Xerox the pattern and torque spec. If you think this will fix a bad head gasket, that's not funny. It's tragic. If you got this far rebuilding your engine, warn me before you try to start the engine so I can run for cover. Get a repair manual. It is worth every penny.


The first thing I learned when working on engines was that manuals are cheaper than redoing a botched overhaul. Proper head torque ( sequence as well as specs) is only a part of the knowledge you need to do the job right the first time. Only a complete idiot overhauls an engine or replaces major engine components without the manufacturers specs as outlined in a good manual.


Torque the cylinder head mounting bolts in three progressive steps. Torque to 22 ft. lbs. (30 Nm) in the first pass. 36 ft. lbs. (49 Nm) in the second pass, and finally for the third pass, tighten the head bolts an additional 90° TTY from the second pass location. Make sure you get new TTY bolts, they are a ONE time use deal.

You'll need a angle dial, they sell them for about $12-15 at O'Reilly's. I highly recommend you get one.

I would split the 90° TTY into 2 passes, 45° each for the final 90° TTY specification to be extra safe.
Make sure you take notice that the intake side bolts are slightly shorter then the exhaust side bolts.
It can be very difficult to find this TTY info, the manufacturer uses a robot fixture to torque them down.
Say the specs call for 155°, then split by 3, 2 passes at 50° and the final at 55° to be even on the head.

The last thing you need is a cracked head, especially if you just spent $300+ at the machine shop.
Heed this info, aluminum heads need to be pamper torqued down very carefully or they will crack.

Head bolt sequence - https://www.2carpros.com/forum/automotive_pictures/89255_3E3EE_cylinder_head_1.jpg


Do a search on youtube for replacing the head gasket on your vehicle. A video will include the head bolt torques and tightening sequence.
Make sure to clean and blow out the bolt holes in the block or you won't get a correct torque n the bolts!

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