How would a fear of airbags impact an adult's life?


Assuming they lived in an area where people generally drove to get around (limited mass transit, suburban). We'll also assume the adult is physically and emotionally capable of driving, and is large enough that the airbag wouldn't pose a risk to them, but they're just terrified of airbags.

I ask because I was terrified of airbags as a child. I got over my fear at 11 (in 2004) and drive a 2011 Honda Accord fully equipped with airbags. But what if my fear had continued?


Favorite Answer

Simple. You either wouldn’t be driving, or you’d have to put up with the expense and unreliability of driving very old pre-airbag cars. In the USA that would mean looking for cars which are no newer than about 50 years old.

Although light trucks had an exemption for quite a while so you might have had to stick to driving clunky heavy gas-guzzling beasts dating from before pick-ups became fashionable, and farmers and builders aren’t famed for spending money on vehicle maintenance so you’d spend as much time under the hood as inside the cab.