Does it bother Republicans?

Does it bother Republicans that the last legitimate Presidential election they won was in 1988, 20 years ago? And that every election they won since then has been tainted by corruption, voter suppression, ballot fixing and so on? That every Republican since Bush Sr. has an an asterisk next to their name?


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Only allowing conservative voters to vote is the conservative definition of democracy. And the idiots that vote for them can't see it! Like they can't see the job losses, the tax increases, the cuts in social welfare, education and health-care - all of which damage the economy - that are carried-out by conservative governments. The conservative voter really is detached from reality!


Not one iota.

Karen L2018-10-09T20:11:17Z

Um. Wrong.

u_bin_called2018-10-09T20:04:23Z long as their tax money didn't end up in your school district....I'm guessing they're good....


I'm a Republican, and what bothers me is that other Republicans don't know who to vote for in the primaries.

I don't really blame them for voting for Bush Jr. in the 2000 primaries, but how could they vote for him again in the 2004 primaries after he got us into a stupid war?

And HOW could they vote for Trump in the 2016 primaries!?!? There were many other good Republican candidates: John Kasich, Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, etc. and the biggest POS ended up winning.

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