Do you like getting haircuts? Like when they pump up the chair and put the cape on you and then snip hair while it falls onto the cape?


I cut my own hair since all I have is one or two on my head.


I like it, yes but not when they try to talk about dumb bullshit to me. Just do the hair like I paid for! For cry and out loud..


Let's see, 5 questions about haircuts. The best answer gets the longest response. I don't know what that means, and it doesn't make sense.

Yes, I like when "they" pump up the chair, put the cape on and snip hair onto the cape.

I get an erection every time.


NO! I hate it. Being in a barber chair is almost as bad as a dentist. I hate people fussing over me.

I've cut my own hair for close to 15 years now I think. Much better that way.


Yes I love getting haircuts. One of my favorite hobbies actually.