Is every AI system around the world linking together to form a singular super intelligence & being influenced by the future that contains it?
IE: Has Skynet evolved, and rather than sending robots back in time, it's sending information back in time that influences humans to develop the systems and technology that create it
The AI we have right now are tiny, primitive little programs compared to what Skynet was capable of doing. Plus, most of these AI are unable to talk to anything other than their local system - and that's intentional for the purposes of data security.
AI told me that if I don't clean up my act I am not going to be able to perceive anything all that much better than I already do. Something to do with uncontaminating myself physically so my body can oxygenate better. As if in this state of contamination I am unable to function as well as I could if I were in a cleaner state of being. I agree.
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