When will Trump be showing his taxes?

President Obama showed his birth certificate. Elizabeth Warren showed the results of her DNA test. Now it's Trump's turn to show his taxes. Clearly the conservatives and the tea party are going to demand this, right?


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If he hasn't at this point then he likely never will unless he is forced to. Being the first president in modern history to fail to release his returns has not stopped him so far. The real question is - what is he hiding? New York Times recently found evidence showing that he committed tax fraud by failing to pay on $413 million he received through shell corporations and avoided millions in taxes by lying to the IRS about his property values. These crimes are unfortunately past the statute of limitations so he can't be convicted for them, but generally people who commit fraud continue to do so, especially if they avoid the consequences. If republicans ever lose congress during Trumps presidency then it will be interesting to see how far he falls.


Why do you want to see his tax returns? Do you think you will find something that the IRS didn't? Or is it just to look for stuff to satisfy you class envy hate?


He shouldn't have to. He doesn't owe the filthy liberals a damn thing. They would just use it to find some random minute detail and start a political circus over it.


Why do you expect cons to be honest or consistant?


When Antifa becomes president.

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