Since my wife ran off with a friend 9 years ago I've really blossomed a deep loathing and hatred for women. Should I keep it to myself?


Go vent on Reddit and try to be civil to the women you see IRL.

daljack -a girl2018-10-21T01:59:19Z

Oh I think the women you come across can probably tell.


No .. you should work through this -- the hatred you feel is a heavy load to carry around .. you will love it if you can get rid of that emotion (life will be so much lighter, easier and happier for you).


No. You should get therapy to deal with your feelings, because ultimately they're only robbing you of happiness.


Honestly I'm not sure why you would let one bad woman turn you into a woman hating hermit. I would never let anyone effect my life that way. Regardless you probably should talk about it with someone, it's long past overdue that you found a more constructive way of dealing with this painful situation from your past. Nothing can make it just go away, but at this point you need to find a way to not let it effect your life decisions going forward.

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