ex boyfriend?

is it odd and disgusting that my ex is now with his niece's mom & having a relationship with her in a obscene manner. to me that's just really screwed up & appalling moralwise.


this is a moral question situation, so please dont be a smartass, if youre blowing smoke up the guy's *** like how this keith guy did, that means you stand up for sickening freaks that are like my ex.


to be honest, i was asking this on a moral question situation darling, the guy abused me, so yeah i dont care about him but i dont appreciate people like you sticking up for jerkwads like that. i was just trying to show a point of it's morally wrong to be screwing & having a relationship with your niece's mom. so thanks for being a smart*** keith (middle finger salute) @kieth


Ex means it's not your problem.