Will the True Patriots step up?

Trump spent the last year building POW camps in Texas. He is massing troops along the border and says they can fire back if even a rock is thrown at them. He is using Bush's "Axis of Evil" propaganda. And he says the Constitution doesn't apply to him so he feels he doesn't have to get a declaration of war from Congress. When he launches his war on Mexico will the True Patriots step up to join the army and fight for their Glorious Leader? Or will there be a rash of bone spurs?


Spit on your old relative(s) for stopping the migrant Japanese pilots that wanted to move to Hawaii. Then move to Central America to be with your amigos.


Illegal aliens are not entitled to be here and WILL LEAVE rather they like it or not

Uncle Pennybags2018-11-02T04:33:32Z

Or, put another way:

Trump has ordered troops to the border to prevent an invasion of illegals and told them they may defend themselves if attacked.

You'll forgive me if I don't have a hissy fit over that.