Can someone please help me and write a 1 page thing about a Greek god, (choose any) and use it to make up a story of how blizzards started?


Sure, what help do you need?


Ares sees his wife Aphrodite making love to someone else. He throws his hammer, or Zeus's thunderbolt at them. Eros deflects the projectile with a bow-shot, or Zeus does with anothet thunderbolt. The projectile hits a storm cloud. The cloud collides with another cloud. Bump. Bump. Bump. Down falls the snow.
Or Ares rakes out the ashes, cinders and hot coals and Apollo or the other gods has to stop them from hitting and destroying Athens.


you have intrigued my interests.
Poseidon and a bunch of snow and what not that clashes with the lightning


Zeus spit, and then it froze.