It’s a 2005 chrysler 300 touring (3.5L engine). I replaced the blower motor, blower motor resistor, and replaced the fuse in the fuse box as well. Also, I checked the connector for the air volume knob... but still won’t work, the temperature control works perfectly. What else could it be??
Is the air coming out on the floor and the air flow won't change position? If that's the case you have a bad actuator for the air flow position. If the blower motor doesn't work use a test light to see if there is a power and ground at the motor and resister.
You are replacing parts but not troubleshooting. That is not the right procedure in fixing anything. Get a wiring diagram for the blower. Get a multimeter or a test light and check for power at the fuse. Check for power and ground at the blower with the blower turned on at all speeds. Find where the circuit is missing power and ground when the blower is turned on. It could just be a bad ground.
Is the blower actually working or not? You've failed to mention that important point. If it works, you have a blockage somewhere. If it doesn't, it's an electrical issue and you should trace the continuity of the wiring and check the on / off speed switch. The lesson here that you should usae proper trouble-shooting techniques rather than randomly replacing parts hoping to fix the problem.