Hello? Car will not start!?


Right some of these people are decent. it's really offputting that these people are so concieted trying to feed their egos and pinpoint exactly what is wrong that, if they can't tell you exactly what's wrong, they won't try to help.......HAHA..>Guys and gals, all of you, there's a very specific process for diagnosing a fouled automobile...and it begins with diagnosis.

How busy do you have to be to have exactly enough time to comment hateful, unlawful garbage without ever even attempting to help your fellow human being? I'll give you a hint - It took me 38 seconds to 100% explain this money-prudent diagnoses procedure. .


Step 1.

Step 1.....Does the engine crank? If no, charge battery or replace. If yes, continue to step 2.

Disconnect air intake at the throttle body - The black duct work where it meets the shiny metal engine...There's a litlte valve in shiny metal thing, open it up and pour something flammable in there....Not alot of something flammable...Less than 1 cup. Eh..not just something flammable..something explosive...Like Gasoline. No your hairspray won't work, no your vodka won't work. Try to starter' up - don't worry about that ductwork - just make sure it's not going to get hit by that fan.
If it starts up and dies, you've got a bad fuel pump. If it cranks and cranks and won't even pretend to start - You've got bad electronics (usually a bad Distributor Cap/Rotor, or on new cars a bad Ignition Coil/Coil Pack)

Step 3. If it's a bad fuel pump, aka started with manual fuel injection but then died without being able to pour in more fuel? That's $100 online, in 7-10days, and about 2 hours (for a beginner) installing it...Google it per your car, though they're all very similar.
If it's bad electronics, aka with manual fuel injection it didn't even try to run, you're looking at $50 and 1 hour (on an easy car) installing it.....Still Google-able.


Call a friend, or a breakdown company.


Thanks for sharing.


Find out if the problem is gas or spark by spraying starter fluid in the air intake,


you need to provide more info to get answers - make, model, year of vehicle + details as to what you did/didn't do

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