Is it wrong for my girlfriend to comment on the attractiveness of other guys?

She tells me that her mailman is a attractive or that her waiter at a restaurant is a pretty man. She always tells me that they aren’t as much as me but it kinda gets under my skin and makes me self conscious. Is this me overreacting or is it her being inconsiderate?


Tell your girlfriend to stop being so superficial.


Not necessarily. .I think it weighs heaviest on how it makes the other person feel. Have you explained to her how it makes you feel?

If she isn't getting it you could always turn the tables and comment on attractive girls you see.


yes if the person your with cant handle it. that is just selfish imo. in the sense your not taking your partners feelings into consideration and know it gets under their skin.


No it is NOT.

queen bry2018-11-18T03:38:39Z

Beat the crap out of her and give her a black eye, she should know better than to mentally cheat on her man.

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