What part does alcohol play in high blood pressure?


Favorite Answer

Here is a GREAT article on the subject.
I can tell you what the reason ISN'T:
It is not because "alcohol makes your blood thicker."


Blood sugar,  also, it's like marajuana.  It messes up your brain with long term use.  It's also very addictive.  Note, you already can't  live without drinking. If you would have you wouldn't be here asking. A friend who cares


Alcohol is a diuretic. Blood is 94% water. When the diuretic action of the alcohol removes water from the blood, it contributes to dehydration.

When you get dehydrated the blood loses 8% of its water volume, causing it to thicken. The thicker blood increases the workload on the heart, causing the blood pressure to rise.


It helps you stop worrying about having high blood pressure.


It increases blood pressure