Why do people want Hillary Clinton in prison?

I don't think she has done anything that was against the law.

LA LA2018-11-30T20:18:22Z

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Bosnia-Donations to the Clinton Foundation-
Emails - A federal investigation determined she was not “allowed” to transmit government secrets on a private server that was vulnerable to hackers, and recent reports show she deleted tens of thousands of emails pertinent to the investigation.
Vince Foster - Questions and conspiracy theories swirled for years about Vince Foster, deputy White House
counsel during Bill Clinton’s administration.
Whitewater-They, along with developer James McDougal, borrowed about $200,000 to form Whitewater Development Corp, a real estate firm formed to buy and flip riverfront property into vacation homes.
Bullied her husband's mistresses-Republicans say Hillary Clinton bullied the women who said they were sexually involved with or harassed by her husband. They also say she played a victim role publicly while vindictively working behind the scenes.
Syrian refugees-Hillary Clinton’s plan to admit “500 percent more” Syrian refugees into the U.S.


It's hard to tell from the poor media coverage, but it sounds as though she use her private email account to send and receive classified information relating to her SOSUS position. In fact I personally heard her in a news interview claim that none of her emails was classified because they were not marked classified.

Which is as dumb as a dead burro.

Material is classified because of the information it contains, not because of how it's marked or not. While in the military I was often the Classified Materials Control Officer (CMCO). And often had to brief the rest of my unit that documents were classified because of their content, not just because they were stamped as such.

In fact, while i Vietnam, I handled a Top Secret document about a downed airman in N. Vietnam. That document? A bar napkin on which the Commanding Officer wrote a message that had to be sent out immediately. And he just happened to be in a bar when the emergency arose.

My point. It was not marked TS. But it was still Top Secret and I treated it as such. Hillary didn't seem to get that point. And so she broke the law when she used her own email for classified messages.


Sorry you are so uninformed. You can watch a summary of the several felonies she committed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADC0naicOMs


Fox News and extremist-Tea Party loons can't stop obsessing over Hillary Clinton so they make up all these phoney accusations that have been proven false, but they have to because they can't point to a single Trump triumph to offset the negative press from the Mueller investigation! Hillary Clinton will be far better as the US President than Donald Trump and extremist Conservatives know it!


How about Hilary mops floors in a rehab facility and Donald loses all media and social media privileges and pays the US Gov 12 billion dollars in back taxes.

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