How to motivate myself to go for a long walk if I feel to depressed to get out of bed?


Walking is a myth.


By walking. Studies show exercise can be just as effective as medication in curing depression. Cars have starters, rockets have boosters, grills have those sparkers you can pull out and shock your friends with. Humans have chemicals that give them "morning wood" and wake them up. But just like an old car, sometimes you have to give them a push.

You'd have to get out of bed to get pills or kill yourself too, so why not do it to go for a walk? Cheaper and less messy.


Baby steps. Plan to get up and get dressed. Then plan to go for a 5 minute walk. Then plan to go 10 minutes. Then plan to go longer. You may not walk far or even get outside every day and that's ok. But you may find that once you are out that you walk farther. Getting up is the hardest part and if you only plan small things its usually less daunting.
It might also help if you can find someone to go with you.

k w2018-12-02T14:19:30Z

how about just going for a short walk....and build up from there......


Just start walking and keep going.You will never regret a walk. I do lots of long walking. I have never got back from a long walk and then sat down and thought.I wished I hadnt done that.

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