Justin as a girls name?

I've heard of girls being named Justin, but not many of them. Would it be sociably acceptable in the U.S. to name a girl Justin without her getting too much crap over it? I know there are feminine version of the name includes Justyn, Justine, Justina, etc., but want to know if "Justin" would work.


Favorite Answer

There is no law against it, but of course it is 100% a male name.

Justice is a similar name which is a gender neutral name.


That would be mean to name a girl Justin.


Never heard of Justin for a girl name


Stupid nAme for a girl

China Doll2018-12-03T21:08:50Z

I am definitely a pioneer for using boy names on girls, so I love your creativity. I think Justin could most certainly work as a girl name, but this is one case where I would prefer the more feminine, Justine. But other boy names I like for girls include Wyatt, Spencer, Tyler, Jasper (one of my all time faves, you might like this one), and Jagger, among many others. (: Good luck!!!

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