How to figure out what kind of a person my male friend is ?

This friend of mine keeps telling me his coworkers will not go out after work if he never follows them. His coworkers will organize badminton, bowling or running. The group only go exercise if he joins them otherwise all of them won’t go. There are about 9 of them both male n females. He said every week his schedule after work is always booked n if I want to go out with him has to book earlier n he will not break his coworkers’ appointment with him. He is new in the working place. I find it rather odd because in my life time I have never heard anything like this before, lol
Has anyone met this kind of character before n can someone advise.


If he wants to do these extra activities, he does. His choice.

If you don't like it move on


he is a bulls hitter. isnt it obvious.?