My thingy gets super sore fast when we having it. Also how do i make him make me orgasm?


like what does he need to do to make me orgasm properly?


fingers or tongue o n and around your Clitoris

Most female Do Not orgasm from intercourse>Alone>

the Clitoris is your Most sensitive sex organ

you Need to be more wet more foreplay and or use some lube


WTH is a thingy? If you cannot properly identify your vagina then its no wonder why you are having so much trouble with sex. Either you are way too young to be on here or you just are clueless about sexual intimacy. Hopefully you are smart enough to use proper birth control. Having a conversation with your partner is the only way to get to have enjoyable sex. He has to understand what you like. Mature people who are ready for sexual intercourse have no problem telling their partners when things aren't feeling good.


your thingy needs moisture..
Get some ky jelly or any other slippery sexy lube to help.