I’m 15 and have never dated anyone before. Should i be worried?

I try to be fair to myself because I’m kind of unlucky when it comes to that kind of thing (I’ve always gone to schools with small dating pools and stuff) but i dunno i feel lonely


you have plenty of time to date


15-year olds don't have enough emotional maturity yet to make a relationship work, so dating ends up with heartbreak that cripples your ability in the future for happy relationships.
The older you are when you start dating, the better - generally speaking - your adult love life will be.

As for feeling lonely, there is NOTHING more lonely-feeling than being in a relationship that isn't working out.
We cannot attract, form, or keep a happy relationship UNTIL we stop being lonely. Look inside. Become your own best friend, find inner resources, develop hobbies and interests and goals.
If you are lonely you are not ready to date yet, and have GOOD outcomes from dating.

Ace Shorty2018-12-15T04:06:27Z

I wouldn't be worried. I don't know what you look like but I've seen girls who looked like an ugly duckling turn into a swan.