What will Donald Trump say about this?

Gallup polls has found that former President Barack Obama is the Most Admired Man in America for the 11th year in a row. Trump is the first President since Ford to not be at the top of the list, and the second since Truman. Do you suppose he's happy about the results or will he call it fake news?


Most admired for doing WHAT exactly? Placating millions of Americans by SAYING what they wanted to HEAR? And Obama is still at it. All fluff. But no substance. Nothing REAL.




People with antisocial personality disorders don’t generally care what other people think about them. Indeed, if people “hate” them, so much the better. It just gives them more of a rationale to continue being antisocial.


Trump is obsessed with ratings so.. Obama beating him, has to bother him, no doubt.


Trump is an imbecile and an embarrassment to our country.

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