How much capital would it take to launch a credible oil and gas exploratory firm?


Suppose I live above one of the great shale "plays" in North America. I've studied up on fracking, and some rich relatives, and want to go find oil. How much money would my rich relatives have to kick in to make a credible go of this? And please don't just guess a number. I could do that [One million! Ah, maybe just half a million! No, minimum of two million! -- see? I've already done that.] Numbers with a little reasoning behind them and a link to a source would be great. Thanks.


Favorite Answer

Pocket change.

Raymond L.2019-01-02T04:24:52Z

1,000,000$ +


MUCH more than you could secure in financing.


I don't know the number but look up the books of some of the small cap players in the space. Look at their capital expenditures, and cash flows. That would be the best way to figure it out.

Casey Y2018-12-31T17:01:14Z

Somewhere in the range of a half a billion dollars to do it right...

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