Is there restriction on long answers on yahoo answers?

Wanted to post an answer which didnt got upload.


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There is a restriction for how long the details of your question can be.

I don't know if there is a restriction for answers. I've seen people on here post really long answers... but I would be careful about copying/pasting long text as an answer, sometimes that can get caught in the spam filter and will not show.

I remember trying to copy a long piece of text & submitting it as an answer but it wouldn't let me, sometimes it will say "We are experiencing problems, please try again later". That is usually just a phony error.


No. I dont think there is any.


No restriction I guess.


I've seen some REALLY REALLY long answers posted here, so there is more than enough space available to post a GOOD answer. Consider that anything excessively long isn't likely to be read, at least not completely, by anyone. Instead of copy and pasting from another site, give a brief answer and provide a link to the additional info that the question asker can peruse if they choose, and you have info from another site you want to reference.


Of course there is, but I have no idea how much it is. I've come across some very long answers...

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