Whats the best way to study for exams?


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There are various ways to study for exams.
1. Practice on old exams
2.Explain your answers to others
3.Organize study groups with friends
4.Take regular breaks
5.Drink plenty of water
6. Time Management



Salt and Peppy2019-01-04T19:16:37Z

Use repetition and as many of your senses as possible to help retain information.
Hand-write your notes twice: once printed and once in cursive. Then type them and print them out. Read them out loud to yourself.

Also, here is a helpful study tip: study in short increments and take many breaks. Your brain will most easily remember the first and last thing you read. So, if you sit down for a 4-hour long study binge, you'll likely not retain all of what you read.
You will remember more if you study in short, 30-minute bursts with a 10-minute break in between to give your brain time to retain what you've just learned before starting over with another 30-minute session.
During your breaks, walk around, stretch, get a healthy snack, etc.


Night before the exam is the only time to study.


1) attend class and listen attentively taking good notes.
2) Pay special attention to what the teacher says will be included on the exam. He may give other clues such as: "this is very important, etc"
3) If you have access to previous years exams, use this as a guide to what may be included. The aim is trying to make sure you are studying the material which will be on the exam, and not devote a lot of time to studying things which will not be included.
4) Do not cram at the last minute. Spend a little time each day reviewing your notes and studying.
5) If there is a book, read the chapters even if the teacher is not specifically teaching from the book. Review the questions at the end.
6) Do most of your studying in the morning or early afternoon, between classes.
7) Never stay up all night studying before an exam. You need to be rested and alert during the test. You won't have to cram if you follow what I've said before.
8) Where appropriate, involve multiple senses. If you can write it, read it, speak it aloud you will have a better chance of remembering it, than if you only read it.

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