In the short story The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe in 1843 what is the ironic twist in the story?


I need help ASAP!


Don't type random letters please!

Elaine M2019-01-06T20:04:38Z

It's such a short story I bet you could read it and understand the twist yourself for your school class.


The heart the murderer heard was not his victim's, but his own.


Yet another sad victim of a cruel and incompetent teacher who didn't actually TELL you to read the story. How were you supposed to know you might find the answer inside the book?


I've been told that if you read the book, take notes, and use your brain you can find the answer on your own. Amazing how that works isn't it?

Sir Caustic2019-01-05T21:59:33Z

It turns out that the organ in question isn't a heart at all, but a spleen.

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