Do iguanas have red saliva?

I already know about the toxins and chance of salmonella in iguana saliva so that’s not what I’m asking about. But I decided to hand feed my iguana today and as he was chewing his shredded carrots, red saliva got on them. I don’t think he’s sick at all so I hope this isn’t blood. Please don’t answer if you don’t own an iguana.


it could have a wound in it's mouth. I had one years ago and that doesn't seem normal. Maybe ate a sharp edged veggie or something but no they do not have red saliva.


You're in Vet School and you don't know the answer to this?

I'm beginning to think you are a troll. You could always ask your Physician husband to research this OR you could research it yourself.

No, they have clear or cloudy saliva. It's not a specific color.


No, typically, iguanas do not have red saliva. If, as you say, he was eating a carrot, it's likely it was carrot juice, not saliva.