What is the youngest you would get married?

Is a 21 and 22 year old getting married too young?

Beverly S2019-01-07T19:58:10Z

Depends on how long you have been dating.. If you've been dating for years then no this is not too young as long as you both have jobs.


I think it's a very individual thing, I know couples who married young and it didn't last, I also know couples who were in their 30's, 40's etc and that didn't last either.

Personally I married when I was 20 and my husband was 21, we are still happily married after 21 years so it can work but I have always believed that one of the reasons it did work for us was because we had known eachother for a long time before even dating, our families were friends and there were no big surprises after the wedding, I knew his background and history, his values etc and he knew mine plus we were both emotionlly mature.

I never felt that I had to sacrifice anything, not my career or my friendships and I never felt that I had missed out on the opportunity to be with anyone else, it could all end tomorrow and I would just concentrate on being alone for a while.

I don't think there is a hard and fast rule about the right age to marry, I think it's more about how emotionally mature you are, if you are both ready without doubt to make that commitment and if you both take it seriously because I often find that one party will be ready and the other wont be, unless you both have the same level of expectation and are on the same page about what you believe married life involves it's not going to work regardless of age.

I also think that it's very important to know yourself before you commit to another person, to know what you truly want in terms of your career, children, travel etc and to be satisfied that you are happy with yourself because until you reach that point it's difficult to settle down, you end up taking too many unresolved issues into the marriage which can cause some major problems.


Most guys don't mature enough to handle a basic relationship until they're at least 25 and even then it takes a few years for things to sink in. 22/21 is in my opinion too young. Especially with people using things like Tinder and the likes. Hookups are too easily available.


I was 17 when I married my ex husband. he was the one who was too immature for marriage not me.
Get married when you are ready, not at whatever age someone tells you is the youngest THEY would get married.


bottom line;;;;During the honeymoon phase, everything is chocolate and champagne.When you get married, you’re combining two lives into one. Topics like money can get tricky. Maybe you're still figuring out how to earn it or save it. Your vision for your lives may change as you get older; it may not be what it was when you dated. Getting married young means that you're still figuring out who you are, and you're doing that while committed to another person. Get ready to really get to know each other as you go through this process.Yes, some friends you have for life. But some single friends will fade away because your interests are different. You have to fall in love all over again … every day.

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