How much would a tattoo like this cost?

I'm hoping to get a tattoo similar to this in a few months from now but I'm still not exactly sure how much it'll cost (not including tip). What I want would be roughly the same size maybe slightly larger with the same level on intracy and detail. What kind of price point am I looking at?


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Depends on whether or not you get it colored. I have one a little smaller than the one in the picture and because it was colored and detailed it was $350 without tip


hi there , you look all too familiar hmmm


id say at that size and the detail to it id say 380$ if you want it colored and everything it would be around 400$


A couple hundred at least


varies all over the place; I know a tat guy who charges 50 bucks an hour & I no a tat artist who charges 300 bucks an hour ............................................

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