Why is my car leaks oil and coolant?

I own a 2002 Ford Windstar. White thin smoke comes out of the engine, it leaks a lot of oil when I drive it. The let's out a sweet odor while I drive it which is unusual. Someone started my engine and said the what pump leaks and noticed the car needs water. They say it's leaking coolant from under the car but to me it looks like oil. Can you tell me what is wrong with my car and how much it will cost to repair it.


They said the water pump leaks coolant. The inside of my car smells sweet when I drive.


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White smoke and a sweet smell is an antifreeze leak. If the water pump is leaking don't drive it. A bad water pump seal can empty the cooling system with in a half mile and over heat the motor enough to ruin the head gaskets. That's a good $1500 job on your motor. Don't put water in the cooling system. It has to be a 50/50 mix of antifreeze and water or the inside of the motor will rust up and plug the heater core and radiator.


A sweet smell is the poly glycol in the radiator. If you smell it inside the car then you might have a leak in the heater core inside the dash board. That needs to be replaced. If the engine smokes all the time then you probably have a bad head gasket that is letting oil into the cylinders and it makes the smoke. Sounds like you have some serious engine work to do. Figure $1500-2000.


Open up that gift and look at the teeth. It has some cavities.


Those are signs that the cylinder head gasket has failed. On a Windstar, that costs between $800 and $1200 to get fixed.


The head gasket is likely blown. See a mechanic and get the head gasket tested.