Does owning a male pet as a guy make you gay?

I know it’s rather silly, but it just feels weird. He likes to lay right next to me, but his canine tally-whacker swings every which way and his doggie nuts will press against your kneecap or your leg. I just want to make sure that it doesn’t make you gay in a way :|


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Totally not. I mean, you can be gay or not and have or not a male dog, those are not related things. As a dog your pet likes to be near you just because you are his family and dog's families sleep and relax together, for several reasons, but the main one is the olor. They like to have a "family odor", so he's going to be close to you. That's fine and have nothing to do with sexual orientation. I don't know your age, but it's common that tens with pets be to much attent to those details. That's because for us, humans, sex is a taboo. You're be used to son.


Of course not


I find it disturbing that you sexualize your dog

GOODBYE - closed account2019-02-11T21:02:25Z

FFS dude it's a damned dog, stop thinking that way...if you're gonna not kiss your dog or let him lick you because he's a male dog, why bother with a dog at all? WTF?


Are you attracted to men?

No? Then you're not gay.

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