What do you think about Kaepernick withdrawing his case?

To me it shows it had nothing to with anything other than money.


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He didn’t withdraw his case. He settled his case and got paid by the NFL. All lawsuits are about money, not sure what would make you think otherwise.


For Manly Love, be here, March 25th at 2:15 AM sharp.


I could not care less.


The Kapernik narrative is so tiring by now. He's had more than his share of minutes of fame, we all know what he stands for and he should accept the fact that it's gotten him jobless. Now he should pursue another line of work, preferably disappearing from the public eye.
@TexHabs, does it bother you when someone speaks their mind and does not coincide with yours? The fact that kapernik "isn't a pure white person" is irrelevant

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