Have you ever had romantic feelings for someone and that person felt the same way about you, but nothing ended up happening in the end?

I had romantic feelings for this one woman and she also had romantic feelings for me.

But we couldn't get together at the moment due to how busy our lives were at the time.

We eventually lost interest in each other, and she eventually started dating and got married to another.

I sometimes wonder how different life would've turned out if we did ended up dating, what's done is done.


Favorite Answer

It's called REGRET. What you are going thru.
Yes, this has happened to me MANY TIMES, but when I look back on it, if that one had happened, ALL THE OTHER GIRLS I Met, Dated and Sexed never would have happened.

There has ALWAYS been "the Next Girl"... even 37 Ex's later.


You get one life but she has already married so just move on....