Need relationship advice?

I started dating this wonderful girl back in September. We got along well and have lots of fun together. We would text each other daily and usually saw each other at least once per week, however since she got a job promotion she has been really busy and stressed out. Our daily texting dwindled down to pretty much nothing and I haven't seen her in almost a month.. The last text message she sent me was over 15 days ago and I haven't heard from her since then despite sending her several texts. I know shes ok, because she frequently posts stuff on facebook and other social media sites. Her mother and sister are currently in town and I was supposed to meet them while they were here.. So my question is..does it sound like this relationship is over? any advice would be appreciated


Favorite Answer

Ugh.... Sounds like a classic case of 'ghosting'. She's using some major life event to try to phase you out gently. Its like, she doesn't want to hurt you, but she doesn't really want to confront you either, so she's hoping you'll take the hint and accept the fact that life has just gotten in the way.


i would say she is trying to let you down slowly the best thing to do is stay friends and find some one new you will find someone. I haven't found my soul mate yet but I know hes out there somewhere so just keep looking youll soon find your true love


I would definitely say it is over. Nobody is too busy to write a 5 second text and I go to my boyfriend when I am stressed, I don’t push him away. If she has time to post , she has time to text. Dump her