What does it mean when she jokes about me liking her?

I’ve known this girl at church for about a year now and recently, like only a couple weeks ago, she started joking and saying “I know you have a crush on me but you need to chill.” And we joke all the time with the other ppl from church but this is the first time she’s ever joked about me having a crush on her. So when the next church service came along I was thinking of ways to get her back to joking about that and she just went right back to doing it. So obviously she’s had the idea of me liking her in her head. But I don’t know if I’m overlooking it. Hopefully not because I do like her. She doesn’t “accuse” anyone else of having a crush on her besides me so I’d like to think I’ve got a chance. So, people of the internet, ladies preferably, should I shoot my shot?


She should just ask you out. I think it is stupid that girls don't ask guys out.


Honestly, it sounds like maybe she likes you but doesn't want to make a move on you in church. Why don't you date a girl more liberal?