Why are the democrats fighting with each other all the time? lol?

looks like the dummies will never get Trump- They've done nothing but divide America for years.

and you wonder why voters are leaving democrats in droves.
yes sirree !


Favorite Answer

They have civil war going on ,They were sneering at each other


They are chicken fights, and never split the party over anything said in public like the RNC does in droves. The DNC understands that united it wins, but RNCers would rather right than victorious.


At least they're honest about their disagreements. Republicans who disagree with Trump are afraid to speak out. They want to be viewed as good little Na--, I mean, good little Republicans.


Only in a Trump minion wet dream is anything you've stated true.
Reality will be far harsher on Trump.


Cuz we are not a personality cult led by a weakling who thinks he’s a strongman

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