You could take a vacation anywhere in the world, provided it's 1995. Where do you go?

You'd get to keep your current age; for instance, if you're 20 years old now, you'd get to take the vacation as a 20 year old (albeit, for the duration of the vacation, with your birth year changed to 1974/75)

Would you visit somewhere that's not around anymore, or see something that still exists from a 1995 point of view?


Also you only get technology easily available in 1995, that means no smart phones, Web 2.0, you'll probably have a film camera and a VHS camcorder if you want to document it, but it will be converted to digital in the present day.


Iguazu Falls in South America. Since I lived in Italy for many years and have a home in Colorado in the US so I've already seen a lot of Europe, North America and the Caribbean, but have never been to South America although I've been close enough to see the coast of Venezuela. I particularly like waterfalls and Iguazu looks spectacular.