Does it make you sick to see a treasonous traitor hugging and humping the American flag?


I wash my car with the Stars and Stripes and I have not Broken any Laws


Yes. I have despised the Donald for thirty years as a poseur and swindler, and to see him as president at all is fairly nauseating. To see him dry humping the flag with that sick smile on his face, knowing that his audience do not understand the underlying contempt he is showing for our most cherished institutions, is enough to make me look longingly across the Straits of Juan de Fuca and a civilized country.


Who is this treasonous traitor you refer to. I haven't seen any such court cases. Oh that's right, you're a prejudiced hater whining because your candidate didn't win. Do you even care how pathetic you make yourself seem with your childish post. "Trump BAD man!"

Jonathan Gruber2019-03-04T05:17:10Z

You have a little bit of foam coming out of the corner of your mouth.


No I agree with him! **** this country!!!!

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